sheri gill – I Can Has Force General Blog Sat, 14 Mar 2020 12:47:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Identify Dead Trees In Your Property Sat, 14 Mar 2020 12:47:49 +0000 As much good as trees do for the environment, dead trees are just as, well…deadly. If they’re not cut down by humans, they eventually fall over and can cost thousands of dollars in property and/or vehicle damage. Calling a tree removal San Antonio service would be a must-do to avoid further property damage or human casualty. They have even been known to kill on contact when they fall. Here are some signs that a tree is dead and on the verge of falling. -Cracks and splits. These are the worst kind because they often occur right up the trunk’s middle […]

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As much good as trees do for the environment, dead trees are just as, well…deadly. If they’re not cut down by humans, they eventually fall over and can cost thousands of dollars in property and/or vehicle damage. Calling a tree removal San Antonio service would be a must-do to avoid further property damage or human casualty. They have even been known to kill on contact when they fall.

Here are some signs that a tree is dead and on the verge of falling.

-Cracks and splits. These are the worst kind because they often occur right up the trunk’s middle or where the branches meet the trunk. Once it starts, takes only wind or a storm to knock it down. Maples and ashes are especially prone due to the general nature of their growth. However, it does not necessarily need to be cut down right away in some cases. Some cracks can be cabled. This is when a seven-stand steel cable is anchored into a couple of stems or limbs up to a third of the way above the crack or split.

  1. Mushrooms. Mushrooms are basically the fruit of fungus and they love to grow on dead wood. As a result, mushrooms usually sprout only after serious damage is already there. They grow on any dead spot from old wounds caused by mowing equipment to death due to a disease. However, only a professional arborist can tell which it is because only they can usually spot whether the mushroom pattern is pathogenic.
  2. Hollows. Hollows are not as romantic as fairytales portray them to be. Even squirrel holes make trees lose their structure. Many times, they are not enough to make the tree dangerous. However, if there’s doubt, it may be helpful to get a professional arborist’s opinion. These days, the size of the cavity is usually measured by a Resistograph. A Resistograph uses a small drill and then measures the density of the tree on its graph. They are designed to detect even minor changes due to decay. If the decay is significant, an evaluation without delay is strongly recommended. Tree decay is like cancer. If left untreated, it spreads to the root and then the tree’s in danger of falling.
  3. Tilting. Tilting is very bad because chances are, it means that the tree is dead at its root. When a tree lifts like that, the soil immediately around it often lifts with it. In the case of the soil lift, it’s best to get the tree evaluated as soon as possible. In most cases, it’s best to have it removed without delay because it usually means that it’s in imminent danger of falling.
  4. A lot of deadwood. Almost all trees will have an occasional dead branch at some point. The problem is when it has several or a cluster of dead limbs near the top. That can signal a fungal disease or damage due to construction. Only a professional arborist can determine which it is. The good news is that recovery is possible in some cases.

Lawn Safety for Trees

If there is a significant concern that the mowing or weed whacking equipment could bump into a tree, one thing piece of advice is surround it with mulch. Don’t apply the mulch more than two inches thick or it could damage the tree and be kept away from the trunk bark. A tree removal San Antonio service will have a holistic approach for your consideration. Trees may not live forever but they do the environment so much good by breathing in carbon dioxide and breathing out oxygen. As fast as the planet’s losing trees, the last thing that’s advisable to do is hastening its death.             

The post How To Identify Dead Trees In Your Property appeared first on I Can Has Force.

How to prepare for your Hiking Trip when you Begin to Age Mon, 15 Apr 2019 11:05:00 +0000 Are you too out of shape for an adventurous trip? You may be an ardent or keen traveler looking for an opportunity to pack your bags and go for a hiking trip. However, when time starts to take a toll on your body or when you begin to age, you would have a difficult time planning your trekking expedition. Tyler Grasham hiking tips would assist those keen travelers looking for an adventurous trip. These tips would ensure that you prepare your trip in a detailed manner and make it more enjoyable. It would be a little investment in your overall […]

The post How to prepare for your Hiking Trip when you Begin to Age appeared first on I Can Has Force.

Are you too out of shape for an adventurous trip? You may be an ardent or keen traveler looking for an opportunity to pack your bags and go for a hiking trip. However, when time starts to take a toll on your body or when you begin to age, you would have a difficult time planning your trekking expedition.

Tyler Grasham hiking tips would assist those keen travelers looking for an adventurous trip. These tips would ensure that you prepare your trip in a detailed manner and make it more enjoyable. It would be a little investment in your overall fitness prior to you paying big dividends pertaining to what you could accomplish out on the trail.

It does not imply that you have to join the gym or push yourself hard with triathlon-level training regime. There have been several tips that you could begin instantly to get yourself ready for the adventure of a lifetime. Therefore, if you think that age has been catching up quickly on you and you do not know where to begin, find below a few fitness tips to provide you the required confidence for achieving your personal goals.

  • Give yourself adequate time to prepare
  • Lay emphasis on your cardiovascular health
  • The focus should be on leg strength
  • Need for a strong back to carry a heavy backpack
  • Do not neglect your core
  • Improving your balance would help prevent injuries
  • Begin with a few practice hikes before going for the big trip
  • Mental preparation has been deemed important as well

You do not have to be in the best shape of your life for having a memorable and successful trekking trip. However, it would help you provide yourself with adequate confidence with a little preparation prior to you actually going on a trekking trip. Tyler Grasham hiking tips would help you prepare for your adventure in the best manner possible.


The post How to prepare for your Hiking Trip when you Begin to Age appeared first on I Can Has Force.
