How to Find the Right Air Compressor For Your Needs
An air compressor is one of the most indispensable pieces of equipment that a person can own because it can be used for so many applications. Regardless if you are working in a major industry, starting your own business, or you are just looking to do a little handiwork at home, owning an air compressor will make so many tasks unbelievably easier and more efficient. With so many different types to choose from, how do you know which Gardner Denver air compressor to choose from? Well, there are a few questions that will help guide your decision along the way and many customer service representatives that will be there to assist you if you still have trouble deciding.
What Kind of Setting Will the Air Compressor Be Used In?
The type of air compressor that you need first depends on the location where it will be housed. The type of compressor that you need for your home is going to be different from the one that you need for a large manufacturing facility. This question will relate to the size and the noise level that will be accepting the setting. Also, this will determine whether you need a compressor that will be stationary or one that you need to be portable so that you can transport it around your property or for your business.
How Will the Air Compressor Be Used?
Compressors work on the concept of sucking in the air until it reaches a requested pounds per square inch capacity. This essentially means how much power in the punch the cycle will obtain to give the desired output. Although the uses of a compressor are just about endless, are you looking to sandblast industrial parts, or just fill up a tire? Doing some research, the capabilities of each type of air compressor
How Much Power Do I Need?
There are several types of air compressors, from small portables to single and double stage compressors. Depending on what kind of volts your circuits can handle- 110 or 220 (or higher) will play a role as to how large of a compressor you are going to be able to house. The more you use your compressor, the more cycles that you will need, leading you into double-stage capacity. The lifespan of your Gardner Denver air compressor will increase if the recommended power going in to fuel it, is equitable to the psi and cycles needed over a specific period. The other thing to consider is are you able to work with a gas compressor or just electric.
What Kind of Air Tools Are Required?
The compressor is only half the battle. Ensuring that you have the right outfitting and tools for the compressor is equally important. It is not a one size fits all kind of gig. Some tools simply require more air than others. You should be looking at the cubic feet per minute- take the CFM for the tools being used, multiply it by 1.5, and then make sure that your compressor is equipped to handle that. Regardless if you are using a scroll, reciprocating or rotary compressor, you want to make sure that your tools match up to the output for efficiency and safety reasons.
Air compressors are useful in just about any kind of project, ensuring that you have consistent fuel to power pressurized air. Depending on your needs, how large or how small a project is, and how often the compressor will be used, will truly determine what kind of compressor is right for you. There is no one size fits all option. There is always room for expansion, but giving some thought as to the realistic expectations that you have will help you make the most cost-efficient decision and will increase the lifespan of your investment.